Aug 22, 2023Liked by Christian Lemp

This is the idea that has most fascinated me throughout our program. I think, ultimately, ‘information’ will be deemed to be fundamental to the universe, alongside energy and matter (although maybe matter is just energy at the quantum level?). See you in class!

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Indeed fundamental to the universe. I believe so too. The question to ponder is, can information energy alter physical form at any level? Not just mechanistic behaviors, but actual DNA structures which can be passed down to offspring?

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I don't see how you could logically say that information is fundamental to the universe -and- that it could *not* alter physical form. DNA is known to be much more than just a chain of molecules, it is encoded information. The information that DNA encodes/represents *is* the reason that chain of ACTG molecules is ordered/structured how it is. That information and it's consequences then ripple out across the various "scales" within an organism, altering behavior and outcomes, which then influences further propogation (or not) of said DNA.

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I don't think we can dismiss the possibility that the human mind can alter the physical body, and I'm inclined to lean on the side of believing it's possible.

I'd be interested in seeing any quality academic research that explores this topic!

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Right? There's still room for wonder in science. I too wonder if there are any research articles that have specifically focused on this topic. If not - maybe there's opportunity for discovery.

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I found a few papers that study the impact of mindfulness meditation on gene expression...a starting point perhaps?




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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Christian Lemp

Typically the truth is at all times unfashionable. Its interesting to meet such strong minds in niche fields of study. How they respond to your simple, yet logically reasonable questions is even more profound. Gene expression is one thing, but the ability to repeat expressions over time to alter the creation of new genetic material seems inherently obvious. It is possible that our time scales are too long with genetic developments, so to render that thought as feasible to an evolutionary biologist or the like can pose as absurd. GATTACA like anything else is information. If you can splice it, then there is no reason that repeat conscious level thoughts wouldn't be able to alter genes at a fundamental level also.

It may be a question on the nature of the energy of thoughts at a quantum level and having that same energy wave have effects on DNA at a quantum level. The measurement may be too small today to notice.

Thank you for sharing this Christian!

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According to the CDC here, the field of epigenetic researches how behaviors and environment change how DNA operates (but not the physical structure of DNA itself): https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/disease/epigenetics.htm

Here are a few peer reviewed articles that came my way after these convos:

Molecules of Silence: Effects of Meditation on Gene Expression and Epigenetics -https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32849047/

Changes Induced by Mind-Body Intervention Including Epigenetic Marks and Its Effects on Diabetes - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33525677/

I don't know if it's conclusive that DNA changes are limited to mechanics versus actual structural changes that can be passed down to offspring. I think we both heard a wise man say "there's no awe left in science!" and so here we are trying to bring that back.

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